Sunday, November 7, 2010

More Weekending

More know. From LAST week. What can I say? We were busy, we had family out, AND I've been sick. You know...for like the 1000th time this year. I NEVER was sick pre-child. Now it seems I'm always sick.

Anyhow..picture heavy post to catch up on the weekend and week. I must be better about blogging

Halloween. Yes. It's Darth Vader. We had other plans for a handmade Halloween outfit, but they fell through when life got in the way. So we took the kid to Party City and let him pick his favorite off the wall. He insisted on Darth Vader. Sometimes you just have to let go and let them decide.

A rare perfect fall day at the Seaside beach:

Oh yes...Darth Vader and Mario Bros. Commercialism creeps in, even under the best of intentions. I'm learning when it's important to put my foot down, and when it's important to pick my battles.

My two favorite men:

We did more, lots more last week. Including a fantastic day trip to Mount Hood with a stop at a mountain apple orchard. But wouldn't you know, mama forgot her camera. And then the plague hit and I haven't picked the camera up recently.

Wishing you all health and happiness. And more health.

Simple Mama

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