I recently discovered this wonderful blog.
I love reading new blogs. Specifically ones that deal with simplicity in everyday life. Hip Mountain Mama is a blog that is just that. I'm just now delving into her site, but I LOVE it! It's full of awesome, natural products for natural mamas - something I've been striving to be since my sons birth.
Currently she is running a September contest for a bevy full of natural, Waldorf inspired art supplies. Being an artist myself, I'm terribly excited for this contest. For those of you unfamiliar with Waldorf Education, you can find out more here. My son is just starting, at 2 years old to be really interested in art, rather than just the mess he can make while finger painting. He's fascinated by the process, the colors, the end product.
Why don't you head over to Hip Mountain Mama's site and take a look! You'll be glad you did.
Thanks for the lovely post!