Thursday, October 21, 2010

Thoughtful Thursday - Thoughts on Friendship

I have some of the most amazing friends in the world. Friends that will bend over backward to help me out. Friends that loan me items when I don't have them. Friends that listen when I need a shoulder to cry on. Friends that keep me grounded, centered, calm. Friends that make me laugh. Friends that model the type of mama I strive to be. Friends who are creative, nurturing, loving, hysterically funny, and just plain wonderful. You know who you are. Thank you. I'm blessed to have these fantastical women in my life. Even more blessed to know they want me in theirs.

This morning The Little and I met a few of these friends for a play date and to learn how to knit and spin yarn. I haven't yet decided if knitting is really something I want to learn how to do. I have so many projects floating through my head at any given time, the idea of learning another skill sometimes seems overwhelming. However, I KNEW I wanted to try my hand at spinning some of my own yarn. I borrowed the top spindle and had Katy show me how to start the process.

Here are a few pictures from our outing this morning.

Katy started the yarn for me and made sure to stick around close enough to walk me through when I had problems drafting and winding.

After a while I started to get an actual noticeable amount of single ply yarn on the top spindle. What I will do with it, I have no idea. I suppose I will have to learn to knit if I keep up with spinning.

Many of us are new to knitting. It was my friend Janelle who suggested we start a regular knitting group. Here she is, working on one of her first projects.

Oh yes, there were babies.

And more babies.

Surrounding myself with such amazing women has been one of the unexpected highlights of becoming a mama for me. Had I not been blessed with my son, I don't know that our paths would have crossed. I'm incredibly grateful that they did.

With much love in my heart and friendship on my mind,
Simple Mama


  1. Lovely post :D If you don't want to knit, crochet instead :D

  2. I remember when we lived in Ireland, going to a great wool yarn shop that had spinning wheels and sheep in the field next door. How fun that you did this today!

  3. And friends that tell the other friends to help you when you're juggling two babies while sitting on her own behind. lol!

    We love you Simple Mama.

  4. Very nice. I've always wanted to learn to spin; maybe when I "semi-retire!" I knit socks whenever I travel (as a passenger!) to make the time go. Very relaxing.

  5. Spinning is a lot of fun! I actually have my own wheel - the yarn you can make from it is amazing.
    Great post!
    - Jenny

  6. So wonderful to share time with friends and to learn to spin - I enjoy using our handmade drop spindle.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Warm wishes, Tonya
