Monday, December 14, 2009

Saint Lucia Day

A day behind here - which seems to be par for the course this holiday season. Saint Lucia Day is celebrated on December 13 - but The Little didn't mind so much that we celebrated today.

I have a wonderful friend, Sandi whom I went to college with. Sandi is from Sweden and after spending many years in the states, recently went back home. Knowing Saint Lucia Day was coming up, I contacted her to get her take on the tradition that is so important in her homeland.

I was struggling with how to celebrate what seemed to be a joyful event in Sweden with the violent story of Saint Lucia. Sandi assured me that most Swedes don't focus on the tragedy involved in the traditional Saint Lucia story. They are in fact looking for any way to celebrate light during the darkest months of their year - especially with the winter solstice right around the corner. This I could wrap my mind around - and celebrating Saint Lucia day in that fashion seemed like a wonderful way to mark my own Swedish heritage.

So we read a light version of the Saint Lucia story, made traditional saffron bread using a recipe Sandi sent us and enjoyed traditional ginger cookies that Super Hubby baked. Not to be outdone by the young girls who get to wear a crown of candle light in their hair, The Little decided to put on his birthday crown with 3 candles on it from Love and Laughter . Fitting, don't you think, considering that we are in the 3rd week of Advent?

The night treads heavily
around yards and dwellings
In places unreached by sun,
the shadows brood
Into our dark house she comes,
bearing lighted candles,
Saint Lucia, Saint Lucia.

Yours in making old traditions new,

Simple Mama


  1. I'm not sure how I found your blog but I'm really glad I did!


  2. Christy - Hi! I'm glad you found me too. :)


  3. I'm enjoying reading about your celebrations!

  4. I love the St Lucia crown like that I would never have thought of that. Such a great idea for boys and girls.
    I love reading other people's celebrations, always ideas for our own.

  5. Aww, your celebration sounds lovely. Those saffron buns looks gorgeous. I didn't make any this year :(

    As a Swede living in the UK, it's great seeing how non-Swedes celebrate. Personally, I have turned it into a celebration of light and friendship (if you want to find out more on that, read here:
