Thursday, April 1, 2010

Ask and You Shall Receive

I put it out into the universe this week. I was looking for free or cheap silk ties to dye more Easter eggs.

I had been back to our thrift store - but I think they were on to me. All the silk ties were $7 or $8 a piece. At a THRIFT store. Yikes.

So I stuck an ad on Craigslist and heard back from a darling woman named Martha. She told me she had a huge assortment of silk ties and she would let them go for pennies on the dollar.

Boy howdy. Did she ever have a lot of silk ties.

Hundreds of them. I kid you not.

We'll be dyeing Easter Eggs for years. :) The universe is good.

In case you're wondering, there are over 200 ties on that table.

Simple Mama


  1. We followed your lead and the girls and I made silk tie Easter eggs last weekend. I was able to find a handful of ties and Hawaiian shirts at a thrift store for $1.99 each. It was fun wrapping them up and even better unwrapping the eggs. Like a present wondering what we had created. We'll definitely be making more in the future.

  2. Trish - I'm so glad you were able to make them. Aren't they fun?! I'm going to try blowing out some eggs this time and see how that works. :)

  3. Wow! That's a lot of ties. You'll be making those pretty eggs for years to come!

  4. Wow, someone must've gotten a tiw for every possible holiday for years...and you were so lucky to wind up with them!


  5. Woo hoo!! Perfect!! Aren't thrift stores insane out here??!?!?!
    When are we going thrifting :) <3 Miss you and need to get together ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  6. Whoa! That's a crazy lot of ties! I looked for some here to follow your lead, but no luck at the thrift store. Maybe you could send some silk tie thrifting dust my way. :)

  7. What a wonderful find!! I have yet to dye eggs this way!

  8. How do you dye eggs with ties???

  9. i love craigslist :)

    I found your blog through the Etsy forums and just wanted to say hi and that you have a new follower! Have a beautiful weekend!

    xo, Katie

  10. Clever - take a look at this tutorial I posted:

    Thank you Katie!
